Refund Policy

The product purchased from our website can be returned or exchanged for a product of a similar completeness, with the necessary recalculation in case of a price difference, within 14 days from the date of delivery of the product to the buyer, except for the cases listed below and products with a name list defined by the government.

A product of proper quality is replaced or returned if the said product has not been used, its product type, consumer characteristics, product labels are preserved, as well as the document certifying the fact of payment given to the consumer or other billing document, and there is evidence that the product was purchased from that seller.

Decent quality product cannot be returned.

1. if the production and delivery of the goods were carried out in accordance with the specific requirements of the buyer, or the goods are personalized
2. when delivering products that have the property of rapid spoilage, deterioration or quality change
3. in the case of the sale of goods, which after their delivery, due to their nature, are inextricably linked with each other.


In the event of a return of a product purchased from this site, the shipping fee is not refunded.

Self-replacement or return of the product at the site's service center is free of charge.


After canceling the order and returning the product, the money is returned to the same payment method that was used to make the payment.

Cashless purchase money is transferred to the buyer no later than 10 working days after the return of the product.

Money is refunded in cash only in case of Yerevan orders, refunds for orders paid in cash from other settlements and later canceled are considered as a separate case and discussed with the service center employee.